The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), is holding a four-day safety training, ( April 17-20, 2023), for some SCNL field staff. The training is providing first-aid information staff can use in time of an emergency.
Adam Jent, Trip Group/RSPB conducting the safety training SCNL staff attending the training
SCNL and its partners conclude Intensification and Acceleration Training in Gbarpolu County
Beneficiaries appreciate SCNL partners for safety training The Liberia Forest Sector Project, (LFSP), funded…
SCNL Participates in Capacity Building Training Workshop for NDC on Focal Points from the Nine NDC Sectors
The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL), has participated in a…
Teachers’ Guide for Nature Club for Schools in Liberia and Sierra Leone Validated
Press Release Monrovia, 11 April (SCNL): The Final Validation Workshop of the Teachers’ Guide for…
Happening Now: School Nature Clubs Teachers’ Guide Validation Workshop
Implementing partners of the Gola Transboundary Landscape of the European Union (EU) funded Support Program…
Happening now: SCNL2023-2028 Strategic Planning Workshop
(March 31-April 2023) held in Torsor, RobertSport, Grand Cape Mount County. PURPOSE: Collaborate to develop…