SCNL presents Annual Operation Plan to her staff for 2023 implementation. Different reporting templates are also being reviewed and adopted to enhance proper reporting.
RSPB William Miller presenting Across section of staff in attendance SCNL staff following the review
SCNL Joins YWARPD in Launching a tree planting campaign
… Empowering women, finding ways to protect the environment Today, March 9, 2023, the Society…
SCNL and Conservation Partners Celebrate International Women’s Day
…Celebrating Women’s achievements The women of the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia…
MMCRP raise awareness on gender and climate change at its first community meeting in West Point Township
The Monrovia Metropolitan Coastal Resilience Project (MMCRP) conducted its first community meeting on February 22nd,…
Rainforest Trust Africa Strategist Visits SCNL
…ensuring Liberia’s Forest is protected The Government of Liberia has committed to establishing a…
A three-day Intensification and Acceleration Training ends in Bomi County
Participants appreciate SCNL and Partners for the training The Liberia Forest Sector Project, (LFSP),…