SCNL Holds Annual Retreat in Bomi County
Ends retreat with donation, debate, and resolution The annual retreat carryout by the Society…
PAPFor Through SCNL Clears Road Leading to the Elephant Falls
Providing maintenance, attracting tourists With support from PAPFor, and in keeping with the commitment signed…
SCNL Awards Deserving Staff
Recipients Appreciate management for recognition On January 21, 2023, at its annual retreat, the…
SCNL Conducts 2023 Waterbird Census
The International Waterbirds Census in the African- Eurasian Flyway has been ongoing in many African…
The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) end of the 2022 Year Staff Retreat (Friday-Friday: 20-27th January 2023, in Tubmanburg, Bomi County
Theme: “Year of leading by example for SCNL growth”. Retreat Objectives: • Rebuild & strategize…
UNDP Through SCNL Monitors Pisco Eco-brigade
Protecting the environment, uplifting youth from poverty A year after UNDP through the Society for…