SCNL Celebrates World Migratory Bird Day

               Creating awareness for the protection of birds The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) joined the rest of the world, today May 14, 2023, in celebrating the World Migratory Bird Day. This year’s theme: “Water: Sustaining Bird Life” brought together conservationists and environmental activists in the commemoration of the day. At […]

                SCNL Celebrates World Migratory Bird Day Read More »

Swedish-Supported Community-Based Forest Management Project Taking Shape in North-Western Liberia

Empowering the community, protecting the environment The Community Based Forest Management Project with funding from the Sweden Embassy, through the United Nations Development Programmme (UNDP), and the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) is taking shape in North West Landscape Forest Edge communities (Lofa, Grand Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu Counties). Implementing partner, the Society for the Conservation

Swedish-Supported Community-Based Forest Management Project Taking Shape in North-Western Liberia Read More »

SCNL Participates in Climate Change Negotiations Training Workshop for African Women Programme

The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) has participated in the Climate Change Negotiations Workshop for African Women Programme. Representing the institution was SCNL Sustainable Finance Coordinator and Liberia’s Lead Negotiator on Loss and Damage, Ms. Sylvia Dorbor. During the training workshop, Ms. Dorbor presented the genesis of gender in climate change

SCNL Participates in Climate Change Negotiations Training Workshop for African Women Programme Read More »

SCNL Attends WABiLED Inception Workshop

 On 24 April 2023, the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) attended a week-long inception workshop hosted by the West Africa Biodiversity and Low Emissions Development (WABiLED). The three-day inception workshop was for the newest grantees funded by USAID. The grantees are working to protect and restore some of the most biodiverse

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The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Peal on their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. Peal is a Lead Conservationist, a visionary, and the founder of SCNL. Mr. Peal is a recipient of many prestigious awards, and the 2000 Goldman Environmental Prize receipient: Mr. Peal helped to create the Sapo National Park, Liberia’s first National Park, he fled Liberia’s civil war, and he sustained the conservation movement from abroad for nearly 10 years.

The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Peal on their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. Peal is a Lead Conservationist, a visionary, and the founder of SCNL. Mr. Peal is a recipient of many prestigious awards, and the 2000 Goldman Environmental Prize receipient: Mr. Peal helped to create the Sapo National Park, Liberia’s first National Park, he fled Liberia’s civil war, and he sustained the conservation movement from abroad for nearly 10 years. Read More »