Improving Sustainable Livelihood, Protecting the Forest
The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL), through the Liberia Forest Sector Project Northwest Cluster, (LFSP), funded by the Forestry Development Authority, (FDA), and the World Bank, and being implemented by SCNL, as part of an effort to preserve the Gola Forest have donated 52 motorbikes forest edge communities.
The team, on Tuesday, began distributing the brand new TVS Star Motorbikes among cooperatives and communities in Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount Counties.

At a well-attended event in the two counties, Mr. Richard Hoff, SCNL Project Coordinator, said SCNL has developed an interest in working with community dwellers through sustainable livelihood and a good health care system for people that are situated within and around the Gola Forest, in an effort to protect the forest.
He said the 52 motorbikes will be used by each of the cooperatives to generate funds for commercial purposes, for forest edge communities as means of reducing the cutting down of trees from the forest.
“We have come to add effort to what FDA is doing to safeguard the forest by providing these motorbikes which will be used to generate money for community dwellers in an effort to stop cutting down trees in the forest,” Mr. Hoff said.

He extended thanks and appreciation to the World Bank and the FDA for their continuous partnership to protect Liberia’s forest.
For his part, Arthur N. Konneh, District Commissioner, Gola-konneh District, lauded the World Bank, FDA through the LFSP, and SCNL for the gesture and assured them that the motorbikes will be used for its intended purpose.
The commissioner also joined SCNL and its partners by calling on citizens to stop cutting down trees and encouraging them to protect the forest for future generations.

“We need to preserve the forest in other to get very good oxygen. So, on behalf of the people of Gola-konneh District, I say thank you to the World Bank, FDA, and SCNL for bringing such a good livelihood program, which is just a prelude for more good things in other for our people to stop brushing the forest,’ he said.
George Ville, Youth Chair, Tahn, praised SCNL through World Bank and the FDA for livelihood assistance. “We are happy, we can assure you that nobody will go to the forest to cut down the trees, etc.,” he added.