Maintaining sanity, and attracting tourists
At conservation sites across Liberia, due to its rich nature, vegetation continues to grow. With help from the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL), these conservation sites are being maintained. Early this year, SCNL carried out a re-clearing of Eco-tourism Road leading to Elephant Falls in Gola Forest National Park in Grand Cape Mount County. This initiative is constant, solely for the purpose of accessibility to one of Liberia’s best eco-tourism sites for the movement of vehicles and people.

With support from SCNL, Eco-tourism Officer, Adolphus Tiah, and the help of eleven energetic youth, including two females (who cooked for the volunteers) from Camp Israel and the adjacent communities cleared out the vegetation and removed fallen trees along the road. The clearing of the road grants easy access also to the team on the ecotourism- ecolodge construction assessment to have easy access to the site.
Arthur Madawee, a youth from Camp Israel thanked SCNL for the opportunity in getting the youth involved in the re-clearing exercise and hopes for continuation.
SCNL, a leading biodiversity conservation organization, also, through the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), is implementing Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP) aimed at establishing a modern eco-lodge for tourists/visitors at Lake Piso and the Elephant Falls in Gola Forest National Park. The key objective is to attract eco-tourism as a means of generating income, and livelihood activities for communities and the state.