In Gbarpolu County, SCNL, UNDP Conduct Training On ASM Handbook For Artisanal And Small-Scale Miners

Providing additional knowledge to miners for the upkeep of the environment Across Liberia, there is…

   In Bong County, SCNL Provides Training For Kpatawee Tour And Ecoguards

                 Improving Kpatawee Waterfall for more tourist attractions     Kpatawee Waterfall is one of Liberia’s…

SCNL And The Government of Liberia Launch The Piso Community Agroforestry Project

Empowering farmers, engaging in commercial farming The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia…

SCNL And EU-VPA-SU2 Complete Zonation And Participatory Land Use Plan In Tonglay Community Forest

Zoning the community forest for management units (commercial, conservation, and multiple-purpose) The Society for the…