A pictorial from the recent visit of Dr. Dieter Hoffmann, Head of the Global Land Department at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) to the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia
Mr. Michael Garbo joyously greeting Dr. Dieter Hoffmann at the Liberian-Sierra Leonean BorderDr. Dieter Hoffmann, Mr. Michael Garbo, and the town chief of Camp Israel, Abraham SamahDr. Dieter Hoffmann receiving kola nuts from locals in Camp IsraelDr. Dieter Hoffmann showing love to a baby in Camp IsraelRichard Dixon, Head of Gola, RSPB lovingly holding a child upon arrival in Camp IsraelDr. Dieter Hoffmann enroute to the Elephant Falls (2)SCNL Emmanuel Loqueh interacting with Dr. Dieter Hoffmann enroute to the Elephant FallsDr. Dieter Hoffmann at the Elephant Falls with a community dwellerThe Guests along with some youth enroute to the Elephant FallsMr. Richard Dixon greeting a ranger at the Elephant FallsSCNL Bob D. Sheriff greets Mr. Michael Garbo as Dr. Dieter Hoffmann watchesSCNL Executive Director, Mr. Michael Gaerbo and Mr. Alade Adeleke in an active conservation at the Elephant FallsThe amazing Elephant FallsA partial view of SCNL staff during the programmeSCNL Yuconjay Noyu Barchue, and Sandra Samuels gowning Dr. Dieter Hoffmann (2)Mr. Michael Garbo presenting SCNL\’s seal to Dr. Dieter HoffmannAfter the indoor program at the offices of SCNL in Oldest Congo Town
National Conference on the Environment and Climate Change happening at the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town-Liberia. SCNL’s Executive Director, Michael…