SCNL through the FORLUR Project trains 22 Community Dwellers in Preventing Community GBV

Creating awareness, reducing Community Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL), through the FORLUR Project, has conducted a two-day training for 22 community dwellers in Grand Cape Mount County. The aim and objective of the training were to increase the [knowledge and skills] of project Community Gender-Based Violence (GBV) change agents in Environmental and Social Safeguards. And in addition, to enhance the skills of beneficiaries on how to prevent and respond to potential Gender-Based Violence within their communities.

The specific objectives for the training were to further raise awareness of the Conservation International (CI) Safeguarding system, highlight the FORLUR Project safeguards indicators and requirements, map existing Community GBV Change Agents, select and train Community GBV Change Agents in GBV and Safeguarding, to create awareness of Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV), Gender Equality, and Equity and Safe, to introduce participants to some of the minimum steps in social safeguarding. Beneficiaries also learned how to report tools and provide potential grievance reporting tools to community GBV change agents.