Advertising the Elephant Falls for future business
The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SNCL) is working along with the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) to improve the Elephant Falls in Grand Cape Mount County for future business ventures. The conservation organization continues to attract tourists to the beautiful site for exposure. Months ago, SCNL took several tourists to the Elephant Falls for a site visit.
The visit which was facilitated by SCNL lasted for three days. SCNL and the tourists met with the local authority at Camp Israel (the last town bordering the Elephant Falls) including the town chief, Abraham Samah. Chief Samah welcomed the guests and told them to ‘feel free’ while touring the falls. The tourists had an amazing time while touring the Mano River, as they were provided information relevant to the Elephant Falls. There was morning hiking along the Mano River, while the tourists swam, read books, and played games until the sun came down.

After the tour of the Elephant Falls, the tourists were again taken to Camp Israel where they had a pleasant interaction with the locals including the town chief. During these interactions, the visitors acknowledged [the community people] the importance of the Elephant Falls and the need for protecting the park. The visitors also purchased some local food products such as pumpkins, groundnuts, and pineapples from the people as a way of appreciating the ‘cultural values of the people of camp Israel.
As part of efforts to make the Elephant Falls meet international standards, on the quality of services being delivered to tourists visiting the site, SCNL’s on-site support team, comprising of two females and three males were zealous in ensuring that guests received the best support during their stay at the park.
At the end of the fruitful tour, the tourists shared their experiences. “We admired the beauty of the Elephant Falls; we encourage the Government through SCNL to improve the quality of services being provided”.