SCNL conducts a two days intensive workshop to validate freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) in Liberia to conserve and protect freshwater KBA species.


In collaboration with the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund #CEPF and #IUCN, SCNL hosted a two days workshop to validate Fresh water KBAs across Liberia. This was a critical working session that brought stakeholders including government entities (Forestry Development Authority- FDA, Environmental Protection Agency- EPA, National Fishery and Aquaculture Authority- NAFA) to revise the 4 Freshwater KBAs identified in the Ecosystem Profile against the Global Standard for Key Biodiversity Areas in Liberia. Delineation and proposal submission process was also key to build up capacity throughout the West Africa project region in KBAs . This gathering also brought about the idea of establishing the National Coordination Group (NCG), to ensure the coordination and collaboration of national experts representing different taxonomic groups and biodiversity elements are working towards the development of a single, coherent list of KBAs in Liberia.  And the work of the KBA NCG will be guided primarily by scientific considerations.

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