World Wetlands Day is celebrated globally each year on February 2 as per the Ramsar Convention of the United Nations since it\’s adoption in 1971. Today, February 2, 2021 marks 50 years of World Wetlands Day celebration globally. In Liberia, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in collaboration with other relevant Government Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, Students and several Wetlands community members celebrated through an outdoor outreach in swamp communities around the Fiamah , Sinkor area and climaxed it with an indoor program at the Mary Help Catholic School Auditorium, in Fanti Town , New Matadi Estate. The program was characterized by special statements from the EPA Executive Director: Honorable Wilson K. Tarpeh, Deputy EPA Director: Honorable Randall M. Dobayou, II , and other relevant stakeholders. The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Michael F. Garbo, Executive Director of the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia(SCNL). Mr. Garbo stressed that the protection of our wetlands is not just the duty of the EPA by Law, but that it should be the collective efforts of all Liberians when it comes to maintaining clean and healthy wetlands and the protection of our Ramsar sites in Liberia. This year\’s global theme for the World Wetlands Day celebration is :\” Wetlands and Water \”while our local theme is : Protect the Wetlands , Save our Waters.\” The protection of our wetlands in Liberia is everybody business. Let\’s protect our wetlands!